
Contract Agency
Bahia (BA) SEAP
Ceará (CE) SEJUS
Justiça Federal 3º Região SP
Mato Grosso (MT) SEJUDH
Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) AGEPEN
Minas Gerais (MG) SEDS
Paraná (PR) SESP
Pernambuco (PE) SERES
Piauí (PI) SEJUS
Rio Grande do Norte (RN) SEJUC
Rio de Janeiro (RJ) SEAP
Roraima (RR) SEJUC
Santa Catarina (SC) SJC
São Paulo (SP) SAP

About Spacecom

Spacecom develops products and solutions for public security, telecommunications and information technology. Up to date, modern and strongly devoted to developing its own technology, the company aims to create distinguished and intelligent solutions, always seeking the best cost-benefit trade-off for its clients.

In 2005, the company started studying solutions for public security focusing on remote tracking of offenders under parole regime. The company currently holds contracts in 14 states and have tracked over 550,000 distinct offenders, with an average of 72,000 offenders daily.

Spacecom is currently the largest offender tracking company in Latin America and the third largest in the world.

Read More


Do the contractors buy or rent the offender tracking devices?
Is the device water proof?
How does the device GPS system work?
Does the system notify fraud attempts?
What is the most common type of fraud attempt?
Is the device suitable for crime-prevention or re-socialization?
Does the usage of the device stigmatize the monitored person?
Is there really a shortage of OTDs on the market?

Reliability and Security

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